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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.


A Good Season

November. That's the last time I posted. And now it's March. We're already the third month into 2012 - the end of the world. Just kidding. But really, how is it already March 2012? I'll be leaving Ecuador in April, I'll be done with high school in May, and I'll be leaving for college in August. I don't think I really like this whole growing up thing. Actually, I know I don't like it. But let's not talk about that right now...let's talk about what I have been up to the last few months - what I have learned and the person that God has been molding me into as He prepares me for the many journeys ahead of me.

Here is what my calendar has looked like for the past few months.


1-6: Celebration of Quito Days. I had a fun time partying it up at my school through dancing, relay races, and hanging out with fun people. It was also a good time to build some new friendships. I had the opportunity to celebrate even more by going to the Conciertos de Quito that are put on every year by Hospital Vozandes at the Sucre building located in the center of Quito. They were very entertaining, but I was mildly disappointed due to my high expectations that resulted from last year's show.

The beautiful Sucre building.
19-26: The fun commenced. My dear sister, Christina, flew into Ecuador on the 19th, my lovely friend, Tiffany, came the 26th, and Katelyn's friend, Megan (along with her parents), came in later on the 26th. We had a full house, which was a blast. We went to Otavalo, we zip lined through the rainforest in Mindo, and we had a good time hanging out together. Not to mention my good friend, Anabel, was in Quito during this time, visting from Ibarra.
The whole group ready to zip line! 

Doing lunges to get us some toned butts. These girls are three of my closest friends.


6-11: Beach time! One of my favorite parts of Christina visiting - when we pack up, head off to the coast for a few days, and leave our worries behind us. This trip included a lot of swimming, guys asking us if they could teach us how to surf (an offer I would have gladly taken up if the guys' intentions were actually to teach us how to surf), good sea food, and lots of movie watching, card playing, and laughter.

Beach sunset. Bliss. 

13-20: Christina left Ecuador and life returned back to normal. Except for not really. We started back to school (which I have yet to write a blog post about) and a semi normal routine, but we had the exception of two extra family members. Can I just say one thing? The addition of these two girls living with our family has been one of the biggest blessings I could have ever asked for. Life is definitely not normal with them. And that's a good thing.

We may or may not act like this all of the time... 

30-31: A very quick, but a very fun trip down to the edge of the jungle, Shell, Mera. It was so fun to see all of the adorable kids at the orphanage down there again.
My friend Juliana. :) 

17-21: Carnavaaaaal! One of Ecuador's funnest traditions. We had a good time at school watching (yes, watching) people get wet. Although, I did get sprayed with espuma quite a few times. We also spent a couple of nights in Papallacta with wonderful people. It was a fun time.

Carnaval fun at school.


8-9: We recently went on a paseo (or retreat) with my school (Hansei). It was a really great time. It included playing lots of fun games, doing the trust fall, slip 'n sliding into a ditch full of mud, a 4 hour hike to a waterfall, zip lines, friends, and food fights. For my James Irwin friends back in Colorado - it was kind of like Frontier Ranch...except for, as much fun as this retreat was, Frontier Ranch is definitely better.

I like these girls. :)

I think I always am overwhelmed when I think about writing a blog post because I have so much to say, and no possible way for me to say it all. But, hopefully you enjoyed these highlights of what has been going on my life lately. I'll be sure to be a more avid blogger in the future. Maybe. 

God bless. 


  1. I love this. How you done it? How you write so good. Glad I her, too.

  2. Holla! I miss your posts!
    and from what I recall, you did NOT like the movies we watched at the beach.


  3. Your face is smexchy.

    Also, I hope you keep posting! I'd like to read your school post.
