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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.


May Mania and Airplane Excursions

I’m writing this blog post on an airplane. 

I know, I know…I’ve been slacking on the whole blog writing thing lately. And it’s not even that I have been slacking. I haven’t even been forgetting about it. In fact, there have been several days where I have thought to myself “Wow…I should really write in my blog sometime.” It’s more that I have just been incredibly busy and I haven’t had any time.

This was my schedule for May:

- Pack
- Finish up school
- Study
- Take AP Lang Exam
- Sunday school teaching
- Soccer
- Orphanage
- Visitors
- Getting passports renewed
- Going to Papallacta for a night
- Going to the beach for five nights
- Going to Otavalo
- Packing some more
- Furniture moving
- Saying some last goodbyes

It was busy. But, now I am here, so have no fear (that totally just rhymed), I will now write  down some of my deep and insightful thoughts for you to enjoy. ;) 

So, as I said before, I’m on the plane. To Denver, Colorado.

It’s weird. I can’t believe that the journey that I started 9 ½ months ago is now, for a lack of a better word, over. It’s not even that it’s over…I still have an exciting journey ahead of me, but it’s kind of like a milestone in my life. I finished the 9 ½ months in Ecuador that I was originally scared of experiencing. I’m now heading back to my friends and family in Colorado Springs. It all went by so fast. Like, I can’t even believe that it’s over. And no, I’m not gonna lie…saying goodbye was hard. I cried. My heart hurt and still does hurt for what I left behind. I just hate goodbyes in general, but I just gotta deal with them and move on with life because without the sad goodbyes in my life, I wouldn’t have the experience of the joyous hellos in my life, and honestly, the hellos have been some of the happiest moments of my life. So in the end, the happiness of the hellos outweighs the sadness of the goodbyes…even though goodbyes are hard. Really hard.

Time to note down just little observations that I experienced on the plane and in the airport, my first thoughts as I stepped into the United States for the first time in nearly a year, and just little snit bits of my day in general.

- On the plane to Miami, the movie was Old Dogs. I had seen it before, but I watched it anyway. I have to admit that I laughed really hard at some parts, but most of the movie was pretty boring. I just finished watching The Tourist on this plane ride. It was good at some parts, but it didn’t really make sense to me.

- I’m so tired of sitting. It just makes me exhausted for some reason. I kinda just wanna jump up and do jumping jacks in the middle of the aisle right now. Too bad the seat belt sign is turned on.

- A guy just like zoomed past me in the aisle. It was weird.

- My thought as I went to the bathroom for the first time in US territory in the Miami aiport: “Whoa, there’s toilet paper in here!”

- My thought as I ordered Burger King for lunch: “Whoa, free re-fills and self serve soda? Whaaaaa?

- My thought as I saw people in the Miami airport: “Whoa, you people are tall!”

- The guy just zoomed past me again.

Oh, and I think I’m in Nebraska right now.


^^ I was supposed to post the above a while ago, but I just hadn't gotten to it until now. 

I will be posting an update on my life en los Estados Unidos muy pronto.  

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