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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.


I Stye with My Little Eye

Today, my eye looks like this:

Okay, so the picture doesn't really do justice. It looks worse in person. I have a stye (sty?). Sounds delightful, doesn't it? My eye is pink and swollen. Oh, and it hurts. Really bad. It feels like I got punched in the eye...except it doesn't look like it. It would be so much cooler if it was actually black and blue. I used to get these all of the time when I was younger, but this is the first one I have gotten in a while.

Tea bags are really good remedies. I put one over my eye for a few minutes and it stopped the pain for a little bit. Hopefully, if I do the tea bag thing 3x a day, it will make the sty go away sooner.

That's pretty much the most exciting thing that is going on in my life at the moment. Yup.


  1. That's okay. I have strep throat (maybe?) we can suffer together :) Misery does love company :)
