About Me

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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.



So, I'm not one for complaining -- really. I always like to try to stay as positive as possible.

But, I do think people are entitled to having their moments of negativity every once in a while...this moment is mine.

For the past week, my body has been aching like no other. It started last Sunday morning. I woke up, and my shoulders and arms were so sore. It felt like I had worked them out like crazy, but the funny thing is...I hadn't. The next day, my whole body got sore, and pain started to shoot through both of my arms and into my fingers. At one point, I could hardly move my fingers. Even my mouth, ear, and cheek bones have gotten really sore this last week.

Thankfully, it seems that I have been getting better, but I can't really tell yet. I went to the hospital on Thursday morning, but the doctors couldn't really figure out what's wrong with me. I'm going to get my blood drawn tomorrow morning.

I have been drugged up though. Seriously. I have had to take a ton of ibuprofen and the doctors have given me this muscle relaxant medicine that I have to take every night before I go to bed. And now I have to start taking these gross Reliv shakes that I can't even keep down. Blech.

Oh, and my mom is gone. I hate feeling sick when my mom is gone. Moms just magically know how to make you feel better.

Now that my pessimist rant is over, I'm going to be positive. :)

Here are a few highlights of my last couple of weeks:
- Soccer. Yes, I still played even though my joints were hurting. The pain is more in my upper body though, and playing soccer actually made me feel better.
-Last Saturday, there was a super fun youth group night at my church led by the college group. We played games, did worship, listened to a Bible message, and had a fire in which we roasted hot dogs and s'mores. Good stuff.
-I was at the beach this weekend. Ahh, relaxation.
-Liga game. It was so fun and I went with a super fun group of people. Liga dominated (like always) and won 5-0. People there are crazy...soccer just makes me happy.
-I made Mac&Cheese without messing it up. This seems little, but trust me...this was a big accomplishment for me. Let me just bask in my moment of glory. Thank you.
-Orphanage. I love those kiddos...and I think I have picked a favorite (oops). Jeremias -- he's about 3 years old and I think his smile might just make everything in my life good. Favorite thing about hanging out with him: he always wants to read this book about animals and he loves when I pretend to be scared of the bees, snakes, and frogs in the book. Cue the sweet little boy's laugh.
-Hangin' out with my family. Every day I realize how important this is because I know that one day, when I'm not with them anymore, I will want to be hanging out with them more than ever.

I just love how the good in life always seems to outweigh the bad.



  1. I hope you feel better soon! :(

  2. So, I have something to say real quick. Do you remember last year when we watched the soccer game and you couldn't stand it? You were like, "Has it started yet?" Well, I am glad you like it now.
