About Me

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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.


I Love My Name

Remember the days when it was all over the news that celebrities were naming their kids weird names like Apple, Ocean, and Coco?

Well, tonight I remembered those days once more.

As I was finishing up a couple of Algebra problems while listening to the news, there was a report of an Egyptian who named his child Facebook in honor of the site's help during the riots.

 Now, if that isn't a bizarre name, then I don't know what is. The poor kid. I can only imagine what his childhood might look like...

"Facebook, you can't Facebook until your room is clean!"

"Hey, Facebook...do you have a Facebook? I'm totally gonna add you."

Really though...how is anybody ever going to be able to say this kid's name with a serious face? The poor, poor child.

Thank you Mom and Dad for not naming me after any social website like Myspace, Facebook, or Tumblr. I guess you had an excuse, considering these social websites were non-existent when I was born (I feel old), but, sincerely...I thank you for the name you gave me.