About Me

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All I want in life? To fulfill God's plans for me.



And so the normality of life begins once again...for at least a little bit anyway.

 After about a month of hanging out with family, going on trips, and playing games, Christina left yesterday, and the Strietzel family left this morning. That means the Shedd family starts school again tomorrow. Although I had family visiting for almost four weeks, I had about three weeks of school off, because I would do school on random days during the four weeks. Although this was a longer Christmas break than most kids my age (a great benefit of homeschooling), and a break for which I was very thankful for, it went by so fast.

Sure, this week might not be as exciting as the last few weeks have been (but then again, I haven't actually lived through this week yet), but I'm going to try my best to rejoice in Jesus. After all, every day is a day that the Lord has made. :) 

In about two weeks I'm hoping to be able to go on a trip to a small town called Quininde. It's about a four hour drive from Quito - close to the coast. There's a ministry going on down there and it's pretty much a place where abused kids and women can come to learn about the bible and learn English. It sounds like a really neat ministry. The trip would be about two weeks, but we would most likely come home on the weekend between both weeks. I can probably bring some of my school with me, but for the most part I will either have to work ahead or go a little bit into the summer to finish my school. Even if I have to do that, I'm pretty sure it would be worth it. 

I love homeschooling sometimes. It gives me so many options. If I wasn't homeschooling this year, I would miss out on so many ministry opportunities that I have been able to be involved in. 

So, although I'm dreading this week a little bit, Jesus always knows how to give me joyful days even when I'm not doing the most exciting things ever. I'm just glad to know that they are things God wants me to be doing, and that's my motivation.

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